Okay...work and more work has had me unable to sew at all. So today I am panic sewing...well, maybe not panic but the deadline for projects are fast approaching and I haven't started on anything just yet.
1. Pass the Box Block---not started, haven't thought about what I am going to do . Really need to do this first.
2. Blocks of the Month....hmmm, why oh why did I sign up for this block of the month...or should I say..these two blocks of the month. Simple sewing so this won't take long at all.
3. Carolina Crossroads--segments are still in there plastic bags. Need to work on this quilt. I need to finish it before the next mystery starts...hehe!
4. Shakespeare in the Park---found the "theme" fabric I want to use. Could only find 1.5 yards...wouldn't you know it! Did find something similar however so here I go again. Can you believe I am using browns and blues...hehe! I know...you are using brown???? In a quilt?? Yes!!! Me...I love the brown and turquoise combo...love it!
Now the above list goes along with the usual household things like laundry, cooking and grocery shopping. I have to cook this weekend. WE have been eating out for a month now because I have been so busy . Did you notice there was no mention of cleaning on the list...smile!!!
Hugs...and time for me to start!
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