Saturday, December 27, 2008
New Year's Eve Myster
Anyway, come join to find some Traci friendly colors.....I don't have anything in double pink and cheddar in my sewing room, smile!!! I don't mind those colors....I just don't have any....I am a brights and batiks girl...but I am going to spread my wings in the New Year and work with something new and different....outside of my box.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
I have not been a good blogger lately....the holidays caught up with me and then I just gave up.
I did make some little gifts this year for my sewing buds...but I haven't given them out no pictures, smile!
I promise to improve my blogging in the new year....I am going to scale back my buying of fabric this year since I have run out of storage in my sewing room. Actually in every room.
This year will be devoted to organizing and stashbusting....I really want to complete some of my UFOs that I have lovely put in storage...where I can't get to them...hehe!!
I am also planning on making handmade gifts for two people on my list...I know there are those of you who make all your gifts but you have to start!! I even have the fabric for my two holiday projects for 2009....isn't that strange to type out...where does time go????
Blessing to you all and Happy New Year!!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
New Block of the Month and Chance to Win a Quilt!

Weekend Update
In the bulletin from my church there is a list of needed items for the food bank....there has been a increase in people seeking out food this year. They estimate a 50% increase. Please if you can...donate to your local food bank.
Speaking of my parents....the Hills are burning. They evacuated a short time due to the raging fires....scary!!!
Well the majority of this weekend was spent relaxing and planning. I wanted to sew but laundry needed to be done and I needed some downtime. I do plan on sewing this upcoming weekend....I have to start on my little gifts for my TNT (Thursday Night Therapy) sewing group members.
I took a long walk just before sun up on Saturday morning. We had a storm Friday night so there were leaves in a multitude of colors on the, amber, red, green and was an absolute wonderful sight. So one but me out there walking....and then was a great start to a wonderful day. Can you tell I love this time of the year!!!
Hugs and Blessings!
Friday, November 07, 2008

Saturday, October 18, 2008
So,So Behind
I purchased lots of patterns so I am
I really enjoyed her teaching technique but my confidence in knowing what I am doing is truly lacking....badly.
I plan to attend a class utilizing her techniques in January. Hopefully I will improve.
No pictures to share of her beautiful quilts, sorry....I was really stressing about understanding everything and getting my block made. I made the block but one small piece was short so I will redo.
I am so behind on everything, my blocks of the month....everything.
I spoke with a quilting friend about how she is able to get so much done. She tries to sew everyday....hmm, could I do that I wonder?She also sews a lot on the weekend. I work incredibly long hours and usually by the time I do get home and feed myself, the furry friends, answer mail, email and phone calls. It is time to stop, go to bed and start the day all over again.
I am going to try to sew at least on my days off.....I don't think I will be able to sew after work....I do believe I will be unsewing a lot.
This week I am scheduled to attend a girls getaway.....I am hoping to rest, relax, eat and sew...maybe I can caught up on my blocks of the!
Hugs and Blessings!
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Athens Guild
Go to the end of the blog and view some photos from the Athens Quilt Show. I am a little late posting..sorry.
Friday, October 03, 2008
So Much for Stashbusting
So why did I purchase....uggh!!! Nearly $500 worth of books and fabric???? I am a stress shopper and eater. I am trying to drop 10 pounds eating was out of the question, so shopping it had to be.
My mother had a biopsy today...I wasn't worried originally but then I thought...I need to be there. I really need to be there. Instead of traveling the 3,000 miles back to the West Coast I went shopping for a quilt class later this month.....and apparently for a lot of other projects as well.
I decided to stop by Judy's Blog and see what I needed to gather for the Quilt an Hour project and was shocked that someone had the nerve to complain about Judy.
Called her selfish!!!??? What! She gives free patterns to everyone....we are currently doing a Star BOM...she provides two patterns FREE!! every month. She has designed a Quilt for an Hour project...once again FREEE!!! Perhaps whoever you need to get out your dictionary and look up the meaning of SELFISH because it just may be you!
Monday, September 08, 2008
Twice this week I had a change of plans....the most disappointing change was the cancellation of a retreat....a week long retreat. Yes, I had taken off work...yes, I had projects planned...but it is okay.
Now I will have a modified home.
Pictures to follow.
Hugs and Blessings.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
GiveAway!!! GiveAway!!
Here is a link to a fabulous fabric giveaway from one of my favorite bloggers.
Please stop by and tell them Traci sent you...hehe!
Football is here!!! Yipee! Go Trojans!!!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
No Nashville For Me
My co-worker's son was diagnosed Monday with a brain tumor. He had surgery on yesterday and is now recovering. There is no word yet on whether or not the tumor was malignant or not but Caleb is talking and interacting with his family. There is some facial paralysis and weakness which hopefully is a result of the surgery and will not be permanent.
I am a shopaholic..I know it and all my friends know it. It is sort of like a hobby for
I have decided to give my co-worker the money I would have spent on my quilt show trip.
I need nothing and have been blessed so much in my life.
Please pray for Caleb and his family.
Hugs and Blessings to All!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Star BOM #2

Monday, August 11, 2008
Wow...Exciting Giveaway!!!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Ah...Houston, We Have A Problem....
Here are my fabrics I will be using for Star BOM...all batiks, all from stash. I will be adding some pinks as well.

Here is my completed Block # 1...major problems. I thought I measured so carefully!!! Not!

Well, more like have a serious measuring problem.
I can't be the only one that is having problems with the 16th measurements....yuck. Maybe if I had a ruler with the 16th marks! I is me, just me. I have always been measuring, actually smiling through my tears. I so wanted this BOM to be a success for me. No, I haven't given up...but I am very disappointed.
Hugs and Blessings....Suggestions always welcomed!!!
Saturday, August 09, 2008
Whew....Is Fall Here Yet!??
I finally see the light at the end of the tunnel!! Summer is coming to an end...thank goodness.
This summer has been one for the records for has exploded, I will be changing positions soon and life is ever changing all around me.
Not much to show in regards to quilting...just a huge and ever growing fabric collection. I was so trying to reduce my stash this year...but I am so far in the fabric hole there is no climbing out for me.
Since I wasn't able to sit at the sewing machine as much as I wanted to....I have been doing a lot, and I do mean....a lot of shopping. Everyplace I went if there was a quilt shop within 100 miles I was there. The Internet has always been a friend to me but we are even closer!!
Hopefully as summer comes to an end...I will be able to spent less time Internet shopping and more time at the sewing machine.
Last night I attended a big fund raising event for work The Miracle Bash. Lots of good food, drink and dancing. Standing 4 hours in 4 inch heels was a feet were throbbing as I was walking to the car after the event. How nice that I had my feet rubbed that night....sad that I fell asleep right after...hehe!
Hugs and Blessings!!
Traci ( is on)
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Where Has Time Gone??
I have so enjoyed visiting blogs and staying connected with sewing and quilting. I look at my sewing room (still in total disarray) and promise myself that one day I will return to my now second favorite bedroom is now my favorite.
I do plan on participating in Judy's BOM. I love stars and have fabric that I want to use for it. I am now trying to decide what background I want to use, I will be using a collection of batik fat quarters(1895 Hoffman Batiks..I have a yard of all of them) for the stars and a golden orange batik for the star points. Should I bust some stash for the background fabric or should I splurge and purchase something new???? I have a navy blue batik that would work great and there is always my my favorite black batik...hmmm. No idea which direction I will go.
I have made a list of projects I want to start just from visiting my favorite blogs..hehe! One is the Run Around Bag from Lazy Girl Designs. I also want to start two patriot quilts. A simple red, white and blue Jewel Box or another simple pattern. Another patriotic quilt from this Cozy Quilt Pattern...and perhaps a third one, smile. I also need to get busy, purchase some Christmas fabric for two Christmas did I get talked into that!!
I need to make a list of my UFOs...and start to work on them weekly or at least monthly. I am so jealous of people who can sew!
My next dream is for a clean and organized house. My mom is coming to visit soon...can't wait.
Until next time!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Busy As a Bumblebee
I promise to update you on my Paducah outing etc. I know....I am so so late with pictures. I decided to put the Orange Crush mystery on the back burner....simply because I have no time.
I have been stitching...or trying too. I am not very good but I am trying daily to get better. Really how hard can it be right.. smile!
Hugs and Blessings!
Saturday, May 31, 2008
So Sorry
There is so much more I wanted to accomplish this month but never got around to, planting my tomato plants ( my Topsy Turvey planter was recalled by QVC), giving Izzy a summer hair cut and organizing my closets. It seems my entire wardrobe is in three suitcases or in the laundry room. I need a few more outfits to complete my summer wardrobe....but I am not in a hurry to find them, smile.
Blogging and sewing have both taken a back seat....I promised that June will bring more of both.
Hugs and Blessings!
Friday, May 09, 2008
Happy Mother's Day
This has been a "flying"month for me. My sister-in -law's graduation in Minnesota and finally my surprise for my mother on, for Mother's Day! I flew in to surprise her....boy was she shocked! Hehe!
Needless to say...I however am exhausted! I would not recommend flying this much and working this much to anyone. I am so happy that I don't have to routinely travel with my current job. I always pack the wrong things and this trip was no different. I was expecting warm balmy, it is serious sweatshirt weather here! I did bring some jeans but no long sleeves. My best friend remembered that she did pick me up a sweatshirt on one of her shopping trips a few months ago , I now have one lightweight jacket and a sweatshirt.
Tomorrow, I am walking/running...Kim says we are the Entertainment Industry Foundation Revlon Run/Walk for Women. This aids the fight against all Women's Cancers. Pictures to follow.
Happy Mother's Day!!
Love and Kisses!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Paducah Aftermath
Usually I am a person that doesn't have a shopping plan unless it is for food or things I need for my house. I just go and let whatever guide me.
Well, not this year....Paducah had a list and limits were set.
I got the threads I wanted and the fabric I wanted.
A friend is having a baby so...a quilt is planned. Found the perfect border fabric...yipee. Now to decide on the pattern...hmmm. Didn't find one that I liked.
I also found fabric I needed for a wallhanging in the works.
I went to Hancock's of Paducah and spent....$71....that is it! WEll...not the total for the trip but that is all I spent at Hancock's.
Another item on my list was to test drive long arm machines. So far I like the Gammill Premiere Plus or the Classic Plus and the Tin Lizzie. I was really surprised about the Tin Lizzie LS really smooth...there was a big difference in price so I will not rush into a decision too fast. I will test drive the machines again before making a decision. The other machines I tested had a lot of vibrations that were hard on my hands. I have no problems with my hands or I was surprised when I felt the discomfort.
Off to the gym....Paducah food it bad, but oh so good!!!
Will post photos of my goods!
Hugs and to the gym!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Stash Reduction Effort
I started the Quiltville Orange Crush Mystery as planned..all from stash!
I attend two workshops using all stash fabric...nothing new was purchased. I wanted something new and different...there are so many new and exciting floral prints now but I didn't purchase anything at all.
This week was a trying, work and more work. The unit is gratefully not super busy but the other stuff that I must do simply drained me. It didn't help that I had the crud...I don't usually get sick so when I do it becomes a big production. It doesn't help that the valley is blooming! I have allergies...bad allergies. So the crud coupled with my allergies is something like having a quart of ice cream up your nose and cottage cheese stuck in your throat...all at the same time. My throat felt like a grater attacked me then someone poured gasoline on it then set it on fire. Misery!!
I am allergic to every grass known to man....spring, not my favorite time of year.
Just a reminder that summer another unpleasant time of the year is on the way....yuck!!!
On a good note...I feel much better!
Barbara Olson Visits The Guild
The above wallhanging is Barbara's Wild Thing. This is a machine appliqued project. She used glue stick and the blanket stitch. She uses Invisible Thread (smoke) Monopoly and Bottom Line in the bobbin.
If any of you have a $6,000 sewing machine doesn't like glue stick. I love the control you have with the glue stick...but I wonder if I could use spray starch or something else instead. Exposing my machine to that much glue kind of makes me nervous. Barbara assured me that cleaning the needle with an alcohol swab and also cleaning it after each bobbin change would be enough...hmmm.
Hugs and Blessings!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
And Another Thing!!
Luckily I have another Tivo box...sad! So Sad!!!!
Can you hear me screaming!!!
I am Back...well sort of!
My nose has been dripping, my throat feels like someone has been poking it with hot irons and my head feels like a elephant is sitting on it. Can you tell I don't feel good!!
WEll, there was no other options...I had to work. So I just worked the days I had too....and today I died! I don't have time to be sick...I have a meeting in the morning and a luncheon to attend. I also have to get ready for the Barbara Olson workshops this weekend , work on my Orange Crush Mystery and enjoy my one day off before starting again.
No stashbusting to report this week. I will use stash in the Barbara Olson workshops though...didn't have time to shop for anything new, smile!
Will post pictures of Step 1 and 2 of the Orange Crush Mystery hopefully Monday.
Hugs and Blessings!
Saturday, April 05, 2008
So.....the rest of my day was spent trying to renew myself. I went to the gym, I took a nap and finally we went out to dinner...I will hopefully climb into bed with a book really soon and fall blissfully asleep...oh joy!
Haven't started on the Orange Crush mystery yet or any of the other items on my to do list...hopefully that will happen tomorrow afternoon.
Sleep well everyone..."see" you soon.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Fabric Reduction Effort
This week was a great one...! I must confess that I did purchase fabric.... but pulled from my stash for an upcoming mystery project. I pulled 15 yards of fabric to be used for Bonnie's mystery and also for another quilt.....same colors, smile. I am making a quilt for my sister-in-law Abbi. The mystery quilt is mine!
I purchased a kit for a BOM...that came this week that was 4.5 yards that I must count for this week's tally....but it does have a purpose, smile. Not counting my fat quarter tower until it arrives..hehe. I still have time to get rid of some
Paducah is approaching and I have to do something fast! Maybe I won't buy anything...right!!! are my totals.
Fabric In: 34.5 yds
Fabric Out: 76 yds
Net Fabric to Busted to Date: 41.5 yds used or given away!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Little Under the Weather Today
So no dinner out for me.... Had to force feed myself lunch. Will put a load of laundry in the wash and maybe take a nap.
I pray I don't have a stomach sad. Wanted to finish up the Carolina Crossroads blocks today..found the perfect border fabric.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Orange Crush Quiltville Mystery Fabric Selection

Flavin Glover

Sunday, March 16, 2008
Sunday---What is on Your Design Wall????

Happy National Quilting Day

I know several groups are getting together and sewing this weekend. Working on various projects and finishing up UFOs.
I sewed on yesterday...worked on my Carolina Crossroads blocks which are looking my color combination. It is really sad that I don't get much sewing time. I was talking to Betty on yesterday and she said that she gets to sew 8 hours a day when her husband is traveling which is almost every week!!! So envious of that!
I am lucky I get 8 hours a month...maybe 8 hours in three months, if truth be told.
Well..I must confess to a big huge mistake. I was sewing on my little Janome Platinum yesterday.....and forgot to set my stitch width to 3.5. Instead it was set at 3.0!!! Yuck, Yuck and double yuck. So all the blocks I did get together on yesterday...I will be unsewing today while watching basketball.
I will update later with the stash report.
Stashbusting Update:
Fabric In to Date: 30 yards
Fabric Out to Date: 61 yards
Net Year to Date: 31 yards busted!
Hugs and Blessings!!!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Fabric Reduction Effort
I was in the sewing room for maybe...2 hours on Friday and that is it! Enough to do my Pass the Box Block and my two BOMs...can't start the other BOM because the kits are back can't count fabric that hasn't crossed my doorstep yet...hehe!
In preparation for the fabric kit arrival and my other purchases...I have given away......37 yards of fabric!!!
Fabric In: 0 Yards
Fabric Out: 37 Yards
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Blog Break
Need to get somethings done around the house...yuck!
Hugs and Keep Warm!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Stash Busting and Best Laid Plans
I haven't sewed any in a long, long time...actually I haven't been in the sewing room since the retreat..other than looking for my watch...which is still missing!!
I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish yesterday....didn't do anything on the list.
I was a "social butterfly" (that is what my mother calls me) instead of sewing and doing what I was supposed to do. Went out for brunch..went to the movies...went shopping....did cook dinner and then watched the Tennessee basketball game...great! Made homemade nachos for snacking during the game....I am so good!
Okay...stashbusting confession time. No fabric in this week and no fabric out. I did however order some fabric today....sigh....but it hasn't gotten here yet.
I am doing this I purchased a kit. The plan is I must get rid of 6 1/2 yards of fabric this week to break even, smile...that is my plan and I am sticking to it!
Fabric In: 0 yards
Fabric Out: 0 yards
Saturday, February 23, 2008
To Do List!! Help!

Sunday, February 17, 2008
Stash Reduction Effort
I wanted to....but I didn't.
I plan to start a Shakespeare In the Park quilt soon so I will be purchasing for that one. My plan of purchasing and giving away is going to
Fabric Purchased: 0 Yards
Fabric Used: 0 Yards
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Saturday Yucky Ramble
Nothing new to report on the quilting front. I did open the door of the sewing room this week to look for my watch....didn't find it!
I thought today I would get some work done...unfortunately, I decided to be a little under the weather. Not sick with a cold/flu...thankfully. But everyone around me is, friends, personal trainer, doctor...everyone...even the mailperson was sick this week!
Well today I slept soundly until 9 AM....nothing new on that front. But didn't move from the bed for 1 that is not right for me at least....I was tired! I am never tired when I wake up. Of course, the morning call from my mother I told her I was tired and wasn't feeling 100%....worry!!! Everyone worries when I don't feel 100%.
I watched some TV, fed the furry beast, made out a grocery list and just plain lazed around....just didn't want to do anything.
At 1:30 PM decided to take a nap. WEll woke up at 5 PM....not a nap but did feel better. Did I mention that I am hormonal as well...not good.
WEll, after a fast food dinner....not good but I did have something good. 1/2 of a grilled chicken sandwich on a wheat bun and a spinach salad...yummy. A glass of sugar free lemon favorite.
Now I am supine on the couch...under a quilt watching the Slam Dunk contest on television....not really watching, just trying to be nice.....but I do have some quilting books and magazines that I find much more interesting.
Hugs and Blessings Everyone...tomorrow will be a better day!
Monday, February 11, 2008
Birth Verse
Hugs and Blessings,
James 1:12 NIVBlessed is the man who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him.
You are a child of God, His treasured possession. He created you in His own image. He chose the day for you to be born. He has a plan and a purpose for your life.
Friday, February 08, 2008
What is going on??

Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Quilt Retreat Slideshow
I put a slideshow of the quilt retreat on my blog...guess where?? At the bottom of the page...I have to fix that but I am too sleepy right now to do it.
So , just scroll down and take a look.
Monday, February 04, 2008
Today was another exciting day for me. I wanted so much to just remain in bed and do a little lounging this morning. But unfortunately, I had to go have a mammogram! Yes, the yearly tradition was a must this rainy, windy morning. After my mammogram I went to the gym to work off some of the retreat food I ate this weekend. The meals served are not calorie filled but it is the treats everyone brings that will get you. Homemade pound cake (my favorite!!), peanut brittle, fudge...cheese nips, M&Ms, dark chocolate covered cranberries!!! Danger!!
Now I am off to have lunch with my dear friend Kathy....Chinese!! Yummy!
Back to the gym tomorrow!
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Sunday, February 03, 2008
Stash Reduction
Unfortunately, I did purchased fabric this week...we went to three quilt shops.
Purchased background fabric for my charity quilts....needed some more white on white fabric. I also saw a wonderful frog print...had to get that one. I was doing really well until I walked into SewBee It in Georgia....oh my!!! Several gorgeous batiks called my name and I answered. So my plan is this....I will give away yardage from my stash to make up for my batik Since I can't stop buying I will reduce another
Fabric Purchased: 12 yards
Fabric Used : 0
Fabric Given Away : 10 yards
I Am Back from Retreat

Sunday, January 27, 2008
Stash Reduction Effort--This Week
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Truths About Me
I love quilts. I love quick and easy quilts the most. I describe myself as an advance beginner but I have been told that is not true.
This year I am challenging myself to do something other than my usual quick strip quilts...boy I love my rotary cutter and much fun! I plan to do two BOM other than my Patches BOM. I want to once again try hand applique also.
Goals for today.
1. Do some laudry!!! I am completely out of workout this is a must.
2. Organize my stuff for the retreat.
3. Find the quilting magazine that I have misplaced somewhere in this house.
4. Work on an old UFO.
Hugs and Blessings Everyone....keep warm!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Fabric Give Away!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Great Find

Stash Reduction Effort --This Week
I did visit a LQS that is just starting up so I felt compelled to buy something. I firmly believe we should support our local shops especially in this area because we really only have one and a half (the new one has very limited fabric). I purchased some background fabric....beige and creams and some browns ( I know...not my favorite color) to be used for a backing. I also purchased a new pattern there.
I sewed with a group of sewing friends on Saturday....yippee. Will post pictures of that later today.
Yesterday I worked on my monthly charity quilt, my Valentines day tablerunner and finally..cut fabric for Bonnie's Mystery.
Today...I will go to the gym (have to drop those 10 pounds or more), drop off a quilt for quilting, go to Wallie World and back home to the sewing room. I am in the process also of organizing my stuff for an upcoming Quilt Retreat. I always pack too much, leave something at home vital for completing a project...not this time. Organization is my name!!!
Fabric In: 8 yards
Fabric Out: 6 yards
Fabric Purchased So Far this Year: 18 yards
1. Central Heating, Fireplaces, Electric Mattress Pad
2. Soup and Salad
3. Jacuzzi Tub
Can you tell it is cold here?
Hugs and Blessings!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Sunday Stash Report

Saturday, January 12, 2008
Happy Birthday!!
We were supposed to go to breakfast this morning celebrating that number again...hmmm. Didn't make it....the tree trimmer decided to come early instead on next weekend ...okay, thanks. Oh by the way....happy on earth did he know? He pointed to the big flower and balloon bouquet on the porch...great! Thanks and you have a great day too. So no breakfast....hmm, how about lunch?? Okay we will go to lunch..really wanted a biscuit...really wanted a biscuit.
So here I sit opening gifts and looking at my big bouquet. Thanks goodness they don't make balloons with this number on it...otherwise I would have to move, seriously...only kidding.
Going to Ruth Chris yes, celebrate that number again.
Things I am not doing today...not buying any fabric or books....hopefully!
Have a great day everyone...hugs and blessings to all.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Stash Reduction--Well Maybe Not
In December I went to my favorite quilt shop in California, Material Possession. They sent me coupons.....never had coupons from a quilt shop before. So...I used them. Now, I didn't go overboard, I purchased some neutrals for my TNT box swap, which I needed, some blue fabric I needed for another swap, a few patterns and a couple of books. Not too bad.
Yesterday I went to my LQS...the annual New Year's sale was in full swing with 25 % off all fabrics and an additional 30% off one item of your choice not on sale. I purchased holiday fabric which was 40% off and some black and white fabrics, some red fabric color combination and once again patterns and a couple of was 40% off and the other one was 30% off. I went in search of some 30s fabric..( I have none) which I need for the TNT box swap...(two of my friendly box swappers are using 30s in their blocks) and also a light colored batik to use as a background fabric.
I don't think I did too bad since all the fabric I purchased is for a specific purpose except the holiday fabric (which I don't have a large stash of).
This upcoming weekend I plan to cut out a "Disappearing Nine Patch", pull batik fabrics to be cut (finally) and work on Louise's block for the box swap. I also want to start organizing my stuff for the two sewing retreats this in town and one out.
Hugs and Blessings Everyone!
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Happy New Year
My holidays with my parents in California was wonderful. My trip back home...not so great! That is all I will say about that.
Here is the list of resolutions...maybe you will find something that you would like to do.
Happy New Year Everyone!
1.) Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. And while youwalk, smile. It is the ultimate antidepressant.
2.) Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.Buy a lock if you have to.
3.) Buy a Tivo (DVR), tape your late night shows andget more sleep.
4.) When you wake up in the morning complete thefollowing statement, "My purpose is to___________today."
5.) Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, andEmpathy.
6.) Watch more movies, play more games and read more books than you did last year.
7.) Always pray and make time to exercise.
8.) Spend more time with people over the age of 70 andunder the age of Six.
9.) Dream more while you are awake.
10.) Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants andeat less foods that are manufactured in plants.
11.) Drink green tea and plenty of water. Eatblueberries, wild Alaskan salmon, broccoli , almonds & walnuts.
12.) Try to make at least three people smile each day.
13.) Clear your clutter from your house, your car,your desk and let new and flowing energy into yourlife.
14.) Don't waste your precious energy on gossip, energy vampires, issues of the past, negative thoughtsor things you cannot control. Instead, invest yourenergy in the positive present moment.
15.) Realize that life is a school and you are here tolearn. Problems are simply part of the curriculum thatappear and fade away like algebra class ......but thelessons you learn will last a lifetime.
16.) Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a princeand dinner like a college kid with a maxed out charge card.
17.) Smile and laugh more. It will keep the energyvampires away.
18.) Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
19.) Life is too short to waste time disliking anyone.
20.) Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
21.) You don't have to win every argument. Agree todisagree.
22.) Make peace with your past so it won't screw upthe present.
23.) Don't compare your life to others'. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
24.) Ladies - Go on and burn those "special" scentedcandles, use the 600 thread count sheets, the goodchina and wear our fancy lingerie now. Stop waiting for a special occasion. Everyday is special.
25.) No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
26.) Frame every so-called disaster with these words:"In five years, will this matter?"
27.) Forgive everyone for everything.
28.) What other people think of you is none of yourbusiness.
29.) Time heals almost everything. Give time, time!
30.) However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
31.) Your job won't take care of you when you aresick. Your friends will. Stay in touch with them.
32.) Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautifulor joyful.
33.) Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need. God provides remember?!
34.) The best is yet to come. (in Heaven)
35.) No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and showup.
36.) Do the right thing!
37.) Call your family often.
38.) Each night before you go to bed complete thefollowing statements: "I am thankful for __________." Today I accomplished _________.
39.) Remember that you are too blessed to be stressed.
40.) Enjoy the ride.