I went to Walmart today...to get some new printer refill and also to get the ruler's required for Bonnie's Mystery. I have a Quick Angle ruler that I thought could work...but the measurements required were totally different than Bonnie's measurements...so off I went to get the Companion Angle and the Easy Angle Ruler, never can have too many rulers.
I had my list of items and I was sticking to it.
Found the printer refills....did you know that they are locked now! Wow!
Did not find the rulers. Actually there were very few things on the "quilting" aisle. Everything changes I guess.
So off I go for my lunch date to "Nothing but Noodles", only I didn't have any noodles..Love that place.
I knew there were two places I could get the ruler...but should I tempt myself and go. WEll I picked Hancock's. I walked in and picked up three fat quarters off the fat quarter wall...really cute but I knew I wouldn't buy them because I don't buy fat quarters...hehe! I walked to the ruler section and found both of the rulers needed. I also found a great book. But it was $24.99...do I need another book??? Don't I have one like this?? Well, why not??
Off I go to the register. I found a coupon for 10% off of purchase...quickly tore that out. Surprise! My book was get this....$1.90 plus an additional 10% off. The salesclerk looked shock...hey, I was shocked. My total purchase at Hancock's was less than $20...yippeee!!! And I purchased NO FABRIC!!!