Well, a lot has happen in since July!!!
I had been feeling tired for a while but I thought it was due to working nights and working such long hours. No one told me that I was also a little "irritable"...nice way to say I was a witch. Not putting things together, I thought well, maybe I am going through the change of life.
Well, let's go back a little to August. Mike and Abbi's wedding was wonderful! I had such a wonderful time visiting with them. I went two days before anyone else and stayed two days after everyone left....great! I got to spend some time with both of them and also my cat "nephew" Cyrus!
The wedding was great...we did have a few mishaps but who cares. It is over and all is well.
The weather in this area this past summer was horrible. The heat the humidity...why or why do I live here...I think we all asked ourselves that this summer.
I went in for my yearly physical...with my weight loss and healthier lifestyle I was so confident that all would be well. I would get a pat on the back and a "see you next year". I was almost out the door when the lab review happened...first page, no problem, second page...this is a little high, but we will just watch it. Third page....the earth dropped ...Oh my, you have to have surgery!! What!!! Yes, we will referr you to...Dr. Blah (named changed) her is his number and he will see you on Monday. Well, in a daze I go to the car, I drive home, I go inside....what do I do now???
Well, I say Dr. Blah the second week of September...very "surgical" we have to do a test...blah , blah, blah...okay. Now I have just come back from vacation!!!! Now I have to have surgery....is this a horrible joke!
I go to the appointment secretary...she opens the book and says how is a week from Thursday???What!!!!??? A week from Thursday??? WEll, okay, what time?? AHHHH....7 AM. Good. See you then.
I have now spent two weeks in a daze....what am I going to do. I will have surgery, a scar...a scar, a scar...not doing well at all. Have told no one!!! Well, I have go to tell someone now. I call me cousin, then Andrew (who is freaking out...can't talk to him now), my friend Carolyn...oh yes, I will have to tell my boss. Made the decision not to tell my parents until after the surgery...too much money was spent on the wedding and things just a month ago. I have support here...I will be okay, won't I???
I come to grips with the whole surgery thing....scar versus kidney failure, osteoporosis, death??? I will take the scar.
Surgery was quick...15 or 20 minutes. Woke up with the worse sore throat in the world...why was Sheila on vacation??? Oh well. My voice is gone....when will it come back?? Two days later. Aunt came and took me away...told mom and she was mad, beyond mad. But they did understand my reasoning behind not telling them.
Recovered for three weeks...first week and a half was hard!! I slept most of the time. My energy improved and then I was cleaning machine. Took a week off the gym...boy was it hard to get back into it....but I did.
I have now been back to work for two weeks now. Still hard but I definitely feel better than I did.
Whew...sorry for being so long winded!