About Me

My photo
I am a 40 something female who has a great love for crafts...any crafts. I love quilting, I collect fabrics, books and patterns. I enjoy traditional patterns in bright colors. My favorite fabrics are batiks and brights. Because I am a great collector...I now have a stash that is out of control. My goal for the upcoming year is to reduce my stash. I won't stop collecting so I need to become more productive.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Up, Up and Away.....I am off!

Well everyone I am gone. Have a happy and safe Christmas. Remember the reason for this glorious holiday season.

Hugs and Blessings!


Christmas Pictures

Well, here a few more holiday photos.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Thursday Night Photos

This is my Dirty Santa gift.....it is a candle warmer for small candles, votives. I have large Yankee Candle Jars.....I will have to search for the other one (that I lost!!). Isn't it pretty.
Here are some of the individual gifties....ornaments, luggage tags...great!Here we have another group of gifties....a personalized fob, ornament and sewing organizer.
This group of gifties include a wreath ornament made of Hemlocks....no idea what they are...hmmm, need to read up on local plants. A great ornament made with buttons....and the cutest little hand embroidered pin cushion...so cute!!!

This year there were 4 very popular items...a black and white bag, a black,white and red sewing set (both of which were handmade), a candle warmer (Jim Shore...I didn't get it) and a gift certificate to a local quilt shop.

Christmas Party number 3! Whew....didn't think I would make it through the week but I did. Three Christmas parties , making gifties, food preparation, cleaning house ( yes, cleaning house.)....working,working out..tooo much for a normal person.
Blessings to All!!!

Promised Photos

This is from my Stitch Group party on Tuesday night. We had a ornament and fat quarter swap. Not really "Dirty Santa" you just picked a wrapped package and that was it. I really like my fat quarter and I am a snowman person for sure....so smiling really big!

The rule for the fat quarter is....I have to make something with it and bring it to the next Christmas party....hmm.

Thursday, December 06, 2007


Well, my third Christmas party this week was tonight, had a great time with "Dirty Santa". The individual gifts were fantastic..will post pictures tomorrow. The food was amazing...ate too much again. But I will have these thighs in the gym tomorrow morning...yes, I will.

The most exciting segment was the "Quilter's Version of Twelve Days of Christmas"....so amazingly funny!

I arrived home to find this gadget in my email box. What???! Wow....it must be fantastic. I am so tempted to purchase one...why, just to see what the difference is and why does it cost more than double, no triple the price of the other rotary cutters. Maybe Santa will get me one...hehe!

Well...Grey's Anatomy is waiting for me on Tivo along with a nice cold bottle of Sugar Free Hawaiian Punch.

Hugs and Blessings!


Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Christmas Party Number #1

Tonight was the start of my Christmas parties. Tonight's party was with my Stitchers Etc group....nice group, I really like the people and had a wonderful time. I wish I could attend more meetings....perhaps with the New Year, changes will happen.

We had great food (ate too much) and a wonderful fat quarter and ornament exchange. No Dirty Santa with this group. The rules for the fat quarter is that in 2008 you must bring back a completed project which includes the fat quarter. I picked a red on red snow flake print...love red, and love, love snowflakes. The fat quarter served as the wrapping for the cutest snowman ornament...so cute. Will post photo tomorrow.

Need to finish up gift tags for Christmas party #2.

Blessings to All!


Sunday, December 02, 2007

Stash Reduction Effort

Stash reduction efforts for the week were good. I finished "Wild and Crazy" Stars which was completely from my stash. 32 fat quarters, 3 yards of background fabric, and 6 yards of fabric for backing....ALL FROM STASH!!!

Tablerunner...not completely finished was also from stash. This will be a gift..so no picture for now.

Cut up 36 fat quarters for next month's Stash busting quilt.
Purchased the book above. All patterns utilize 6 half yards...great quilts. I have several half yards sets that would work great.
Most importantly....no fabric...I purchased no fabric!

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Nothing to report really. Signed up for the Charm swap on Quilted Table. I was a little doubtful about this swap since it is so close but if the plans are finalized by this weekend I will be able to get the charms in the mail by Monday at the latest.

I am getting a little excited! In less than two weeks I will be in California...yippeee! I know, I go all the time but I haven't been there in almost 6 months, that's half a year people.

Have I done my Christmas shopping....ahhh, no! Am I concerned about it....ahhh, no!

Most people here will get their items after Christmas...let us call them New Year presents.

On the Stashbusting front...I am still working on my tablerunner. I really want to use a certain red fabric so I am asking a friend if it is in her stash. If she has it...I will swap some of my fabric with her. I am still determined not to buy any additional fabric until my stash is under control.

I will complete Block 3 of the Quilt-A-Long and my BOMs from Patches all tomorrow.

I will be heading South for the weekend ....so no sewing for me.

Will post some quilty pictures tomorrow.

Stay warm everyone....it is cold outside.


Sunday, November 25, 2007

Quilt-A-Long and Stash busting!

Quilt-A-long block #2 was extremely hard for me..I sewed and re-sewed that block at least 5 times! For some reason I wanted the center blocks to be reversed, smile! Well, now hopefully I have them correctly placed.

See sidebar for block picture.

With all the holiday traveling...I wasn't able to sew much.

Stashbusting Effort:

1. I didn't make any "new" fabric purchases this week. (I did have a delivery of fabric I purchased from Connecting Threads, before making this Stash reduction Pledge) I resisted temptation... a black and white sale at Equilter.com.

2. I started a Christmas tablerunner, completely from Stash....I will hopefully finish up the blocks today before moving on to my gifties for my TNT sewing friends.

3. Found a great stash reduction pattern that will be perfect for my batiks...which I have tons of, Rhythm and Blues. I also saw a quilt on Crazymoms blog that I will make that too will bust some stash.

I know I haven't done much...but I haven't purchased anything this week. One day at a time for sure.

Hugs and Blessings.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Stash Reduction Effort Vow

In an effort to bring my stash and getting my sewing room under control....I have joined http://judylaquidara.blogspot.com/2007/11/quilters-who-want-to-reduce-stash.html"Quilter's who want to reduce their stash".

I have too much stuff...I know it and everyone who knows me knows it.

I need to cut back on my spending period! Due to life changes that are fast approaching and also because no one needs this much stuff!!!

Really sad when quilting friends and quilt shops call me when they are in search of a certain fabric! That should have been my first clue....the inability to open my sewing room door or lastly, not being able to "sew" in the sewing room due to lack on space...all important clues.
When your "sewing room"...consists of three rooms...also not good.

So this is my plan. I have pledged to making a "comfy" quilt every month using only my stash. This is a charity quilt either for a baby or for someone else in need. I recently cut up some of my stash into kits...5 kits to make quilts for friends and family.

Oops...time to eat breakfast....I love Thanksgiving!

Wish me luck!


Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

May your Thanksgiving be filled with love and happiness...and a lot of FOOD.

Hugs and Blessings!


Saturday, November 17, 2007

Connecting Threads Order

I took the plunge and ordered from Connecting Threads. This is my first time ordering fabric from them. I am an Equilter.com girl. But after many praises from other bloggers..I took the plunge and ordered some of their strip sets.

Placed the order and received email confirmation that they had received it and it was now on its way....will take 5 - 14 days to get here (interesting time line). I reviewed the order and WHAT! they substituted 3 yards of fabric with 12 fat quarters...obviously someone who doesn't sew was working in the order room.
I quickly email them...what are you doing??? I wanted that fabric for a border and fat quarters just won't do it! Just the thought of piecing all those fat quarter for a border makes me cringe. Still haven't received a response yet. Needless to say...not too happy about that substitution.

Will wait to pass judgement on the rest of the order.

Have a great day!


Guild Night

Above is a picture of the class sample by Sue Nickels. Isn't it gorgeous! I did buy the pattern for this one. Love, love the colors.

We were very happy to brave the cold to see Sue Nickels on Thursday night. She was our guest speaker this month. The presentation was about her "Beatles" Quilt which is fantastic!

I wish I had a sister who shared my love of quilting like Sue does. Both she and her sister, Pat Holly, are very talented.

She also spoke about the Space Quilt which is very appropriate for this area...smile.

I wore my newly made name badge (aka the "pot holder"). I was very surprised that no one pointed and laughed at me...but I looked around the room and low and behold...there were a lot of "pot holders" being worn. Maybe on vacation I will try again with a smaller version.

Purchases for the night were few...NO FABRIC! A book and a pattern...that is it, nothing more. I really wanted the thread set but didn't do it.

Hugs and Blessings!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

What I did Tonight!

WEll, tonight I worked on something I have not done in 5 years! Made myself a name badge for Quilt Guild...hehe! I stitched up my name as a practice piece..turned out okay but still need to practice some. I decided to use that little practice piece for a name badge...waste not want not, right! WEll, it turned out a little big! Hmmm.....I guess I should have thought about the size a little more than I did. It measures 6 1/2 inches...looks like a pot holder...smile.

I also worked on the Quilt-A-Long Block from http://crazymomquilts.blogspot.com/. Block number one is in the sidebar. Made completely from scraps....don't plan on purchasing anything for this project...just yet.

I also trimmed up the rest of the "Wild and Crazy" Stars...may stay up tonight and piece them.

Hugs and Blessings All!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Quilter's Horoscope

Capricorn - December 22 and January 20

When shopping for fabric it is always wise to take a Capricorn, as they are very good at calculating the required amount needed for patterns. ( This is so funny. I will help a person figure out how much fabric is needed for a pattern but I always buy more than needed...a lot more).

Being prudent and practical they will not over estimate the quantity needed and therefore are cost effective to have along, especially if you are on a budget. (Totally untrue...at least for me)They are also extremely organized and disciplined(Totally untrue...until recently my sewing room was awful! I do enjoy the organization now but as far as being disciplined...hehe)

They take as much care in the storage of their stash as they do in the quality of their work. They see themselves as sensible and perform a regular clear out of supplies and materials. They are not the type to horde anything and do not own more than one type of any tool.(Totally untrue for me...I horde, I own more than two of all tools, I buy every new and exciting tool..I need to do a regular clean out...but I don't).

Of course their restraint is what causes them to take an inordinate amount of time in the planning stage of a project, which they feel is of vital importance to the outcome of the finished product (Now I am beginning to wonder...am I a Capricorn...perhaps I was adopted, this would explain so much. But unfortunately, this doesn't hold up because I look just like my mother. I am a great planner of projects but the followthrough leaves a lot to be desired. And, I have no retraint...at all.)

Tonight I had dinner with a dear friend.Carolyn. I had a great time and can talk to her about anything. Due to my work schedule I am unable to attend my Tuesday night stitch group...but tonight I was free...and had such a good time.

What a great group of woman! I learned so much and enjoyed myself so.

Still trying to practice my stitchery....my new name badge looks okay but my stitching needs help, smile. Will post a picture tomorrow.

Today I also did my 15 minutes of "sewing"....I trimmed some of the "Wild and Crazy Stars" Blocks...will hopefully finish that up tomorrow.

Hugs and Blessings!


Sunday, November 11, 2007

Hancocks Fabric

Went to Hancocks Fabric today for rotary blades...50% off. I think I have enough to last for the next few months.

The local Hancocks has changed! I saw signs for the Grand Opening. I thought...what! That Hancocks has been open for years...what is going on. Well, was a really surprised! It has completely been revamped! And there is a Bernina dealer in the center...where did that come from!

I was completely lost and wondered around the entire store....it looked wonderful!

After Hancocks...I decided I really needed to go to the gym so off I went for 1 hour of cardio...really needed it badly!
Now I am home...lunch on board and now I am headed to the sewing room.

I was reading Stashbusters this morning....Sandra really brought it home....we have to decrease. I know I have a problem....I know I have to use my stash and stop buying...but it is so much fun.

Hugs and Blessings!


Saturday, November 10, 2007

Stash Buster Sew In Weekend

This weekend is the Stashbuster Yahoo group sew in weekend.

It is also a sew in day for a local quilt group that I belong to. So...off I went to drop off my block swap and then to quilt with friends. I will do a little sewing tomorrow also after laundry and an attempt to clean some.

I worked on the October Mystery blocks and also on the September Mystery. I have some of the October blocks pictured below and will post a picture of the September Mystery tomorrow.

Hope everyone is sewing! Now it is football time.


Thursday, November 08, 2007


I am completely exhausted! So it is early to bed for me for sure.

I wanted to do my 15 minutes of sewing today but that will have to be in my mind only. I did order some items online....does that count for 15 minutes of sewing time?? Probably not since I am supposed to be stash busting instead of stash establishing...smile!

I was heading south this weekend but I am staying close to home. I will go to a Sew In with a group of sewing buddies on Saturday....come back and watch football, maybe even cook a little soup or chili.

Hopefully after a full night of sleep I will be back to my normal self. Need to hit the gym really hard this weekend...Halloween was hard!! Didn't buy any candy but somehow I have consumed a huge amount of it.

Good Night All!


Sisters Shoebox Swap

This is the first internet swap I have participated in. I am so happy that Monica let me play.
Here is what is in the package:
2 skeins of handpainted merino wool yarn
1 package of milk chocolate covered oreo cookies
1 package of dark chocolate hot chocolate
1 package of fall/Thanksgiving themed M & Ms
5 tea bags
Pumpkin Spice scented candle
American Cook Book
Faith silver bookmarker
Santa Ornament
Snowman Magnetic Photo frame
"J" embroidered beverage coozie

Above is a picture of what I sent my swap partner Judy. Hope she like chocolate.
Hugs and Blessings!

Sunday, November 04, 2007


Hello...I get this question all the time. So, how is the sewing room cleanup going.

Well for so long I could only say...."okay", then hang my head down. Or I could just fib and say...great!

Now honestly I can say....really good. I only have three areas of disarray compared to an entire room of total ciaos.

I am a container girl...I love containers...big ones, little one...you name it I have it. Now I have a huge set of drawers and cabinets organized by fabric colors. I have a huge cutting table with storage below....my containers have multiplied....what is a girl to do?

I spent three hours organizing and cleaning again with great results...more empty containers.

Here are the plans for next weekend.

1. Cut scraps into 2.5 inch strips.
2. Start Christmas exchange gifts.
3. Continue with the sewing room cleanup.
4. Go to Sew in on Saturday.
5. Sleep...smile.

Tomorrow the work week starts again....so I will have very limit time to blog. Need to send off my Shoebox Gift Exchange in the morning before I hit the gym.

Have a happy and blessed week.


Daylight Saving Time

WEll, I completely forgot about setting the clocks forward...no back. Spring forward ..Fall back. I am so lucky I had no where to go first thing this morning because I didn't move until 8:30 AM.

I love this time of year....the cool nights are wonderful. Yes, I am a little cooler this year but after the summer from....you know where, I am ready for some temps in the 40s and 50s.

We will relax this morning at least until my brain wakes up....not there yet.

Later today I will venture into the sewing room for an attempt at organizing yet again. I have to admit that since I have started the sewing room clean up I have been more productive. It helps being able to see what you actually have.

Happy Day....and Blessings to All!


Saturday, November 03, 2007

Work So Far

So Far Today this is what I have worked on.

UFO Mystery for October and "Those Wild and Crazy Stars". Have all the blocks made for the October Mystery but just wasn't feeling them today...so I will move on to the Stars. Fun to make those stars were....now just have to put together the other 20 blocks...hehe!

Had to stop for my Scooby Snack.....and to cut a mat off of Izzy's ear.

Hugs and Night All!



Gratitudes for the Day:

1. Pain Medication
2. Heating Pads
3. Jelly Bellies

Can you tell it is that time of the month?

Okay, I am done feeling sorry for myself. I have abuse my loved ones enough for the day...back to work.

Blessings to All!


Thursday, November 01, 2007

Time to Work

Well, today I plan on sewing on some projects for a few hours. I really want to work on the Lucky Stars quilt...I think I will give that one away. It will be hard because I love all the colors.

I will also work a little on the blocks from last month's UFO group. We had a mystery night. Really funny that we are a group of quilter that call ourselves the "UFO group"...hehe!

Have a wonderful day everyone!

Hugs and Blessings.


Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.-Roger Caras

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Fall Has Arrived

If you're in doubt, yes, it's the same tree :o)
I woke up this morning to a wonderful chill in the air. Oh how I love fall...I sleep so much better. Life is great!
Had a wonderful time with my friends last night. Planned to post pictures of the event but left my camera and my purse on the landing of the stairs...can you believe that! No purse!
Well, it was great!
Will post pictures of new quilt as it progresses.
The picture is not from this area. Because of the drought our fall colors are not great! So here is a little picture from somewhere else....beautiful!
Hugs and Blessings to All!

Pink Dyson


I am trying to win a Pink Dyson. Click on the Dyson in the side bar to the right for your chance to win too!


Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Rainy Days

Nothing quilty to report today.

I am working for the next three days so I will not be in the sewing room for a while. Work is going okay for me. I feel good but the sleep issue still hasn't resolved yet. Only slept 5-6 hours today...not enough but I pray tomorrow will be a better sleeping day for me.


1. Good Health
2. Rain
3. Sleep
4. Family

Hugs and Blessings to All!


Monday, October 22, 2007


Gratitude helps you to grow and expand. Gratitude brings joy and laughter into your livesand into the lives of all those around you.~~~Eileen Caddy

Gratitude I was reading a blog this morning about gratitude. The blogger posts everyday about what she is grateful for.So Here Goes.


1. Having a Job--although I have complained about work, I am grateful to be able to do a job that I love. There are many people who aren't blessed to do something they love.

2. Shelter--with the recent tornadoes in the Midwest and fires in the West we all should be grateful for having a warm,dry place to sleep and live. Many aren't blessed to have this.

3. Peanut butter---I love peanut butter. There is a store in the Mall of America that sells all types of peanut butter...I could have stayed there for hours.

4. Family

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Christmas Ideas

If you are looking for something unique for Christmas...you must visit this site.


What a great idea!!!



HQH Quilt Show

The Quilt Guild's Biannual quilt show is this weekend. I was lucky enough to attend yesterday and took a few photos. Unfortunately, my camera's batteries died and I didn't get the entire show but I was lucky to get my favorites.

I was also very bad about my Fabric Diet....pictures of purchases are pictured above. The bottom picture is of me and some good "sewing" friends...we had a blast.

I have uploaded a few photos to Webshots., will upload more later.



Blogging Update--Long , Very Long

Well, a lot has happen in since July!!!

I had been feeling tired for a while but I thought it was due to working nights and working such long hours. No one told me that I was also a little "irritable"...nice way to say I was a witch. Not putting things together, I thought well, maybe I am going through the change of life.

Well, let's go back a little to August. Mike and Abbi's wedding was wonderful! I had such a wonderful time visiting with them. I went two days before anyone else and stayed two days after everyone left....great! I got to spend some time with both of them and also my cat "nephew" Cyrus!

The wedding was great...we did have a few mishaps but who cares. It is over and all is well.

The weather in this area this past summer was horrible. The heat the humidity...why or why do I live here...I think we all asked ourselves that this summer.

I went in for my yearly physical...with my weight loss and healthier lifestyle I was so confident that all would be well. I would get a pat on the back and a "see you next year". I was almost out the door when the lab review happened...first page, no problem, second page...this is a little high, but we will just watch it. Third page....the earth dropped ...Oh my, you have to have surgery!! What!!! Yes, we will referr you to...Dr. Blah (named changed) her is his number and he will see you on Monday. Well, in a daze I go to the car, I drive home, I go inside....what do I do now???

Well, I say Dr. Blah the second week of September...very "surgical" we have to do a test...blah , blah, blah...okay. Now I have just come back from vacation!!!! Now I have to have surgery....is this a horrible joke!

I go to the appointment secretary...she opens the book and says how is a week from Thursday???What!!!!??? A week from Thursday??? WEll, okay, what time?? AHHHH....7 AM. Good. See you then.

I have now spent two weeks in a daze....what am I going to do. I will have surgery, a scar...a scar, a scar...not doing well at all. Have told no one!!! Well, I have go to tell someone now. I call me cousin, then Andrew (who is freaking out...can't talk to him now), my friend Carolyn...oh yes, I will have to tell my boss. Made the decision not to tell my parents until after the surgery...too much money was spent on the wedding and things just a month ago. I have support here...I will be okay, won't I???

I come to grips with the whole surgery thing....scar versus kidney failure, osteoporosis, death??? I will take the scar.

Surgery was quick...15 or 20 minutes. Woke up with the worse sore throat in the world...why was Sheila on vacation??? Oh well. My voice is gone....when will it come back?? Two days later. Aunt came and took me away...told mom and she was mad, beyond mad. But they did understand my reasoning behind not telling them.

Recovered for three weeks...first week and a half was hard!! I slept most of the time. My energy improved and then I was cleaning machine. Took a week off the gym...boy was it hard to get back into it....but I did.

I have now been back to work for two weeks now. Still hard but I definitely feel better than I did.

Whew...sorry for being so long winded!


Tuesday, July 31, 2007

The Dark Side


About to leave for the dark side again. It is the usual stuff...usual people. Not sure what is going on but really need to let it go and move on. It is funny the mess that people create around themselves.

WEll, about to go an another adventure to Minnesota. It will be interesting to see what this new city has to offer. I am so excited to see Mike, Abbi and Cyrus. All the other family also...yeah right.

Most people are going only for the long weekend but I will be there for a little longer to ....you know it! Shop!!! Yeah...Quilt Minnesota, Mall of America...all are calling my name.

Pictures will be posted.

Blessings to All!!


Sunday, July 22, 2007


Well, I am resting, oh rest is such a good thing.

I went to the gym on yesterday morning...I know, big deal. You always go to the gym. Well, it is a big deal...I had to sneak there. I was told to rest. Well, I did rest...a little. But since I have been eating so bad this week...I had to do something.

My oatmeal raisin cookie addiction isn't the reason...it is because of pita chips and jelly beans, rather jelly belly jelly beans.

One friend received a huge...and I mean huge jar of jelly beans. She doesn't eat them so guess who got them...ME!!!! Luckily, I can't eat many at once but several times throughout the day...yeah baby. They are wonderful, better than any chocolate could ever be...oh my.

Okay...what is your little piece of heaven?? Mine is oatmeal raisin cookies and jelly belly jelly beans.

Well...gotta go. Looking at houses today...yuck!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Bad Start to My Day

I thought it was supposed to rain this morning...what happened? Well, it didn't rain so I pulled my big butt out of bed, alone, to go speed walk on the greenway. I should have stayed in bed...how many times have you said that!
Well, I get to the greenway...it is warm, like a warm shower or the bathroom after taking a warm shower. Immediately I think...oh no! Well, since we went out to dinner last night in Nashville...I knew I had to do the 5 miles and just suck it up.
Well, my legs felt like I had weights attached to them. But I continued on. Why do some people not speak...have you ever wondered that?? When I was a little girl everyone spoke to each other..Hello, how are you? If I would pass an adult and not say hello....my grandmother would look at me like I was possessed and never said a thing..but I knew I was in the wrong immediately. I think that is why I speak to everyone....manners for the old days.

Well, I continued my walk through hell...at the 1 mile mark, I feel sweat oozing down my back. Yuck, I hate to sweat! I continue on...another non-speaker but I shout....GOOD MORNING! I think I shocked him...he spoke, the first time ever. Mile 1.5 I encounter the "lovers", why oh why do you have to hold hands and walk...you could have done that in your neighborhood. This is for real exercisers not lovers. I sprint around them...heavy legs and all. Now sweat is easing down my face...my hair is totally wet. My nice pretty light blue shirt is wet with sweat....yuck, yuck and double yuck!! I even feel sweat in my underwear....gross. I hope I don't look as bad as I feel...I know I smell bad...even to me.

I make it to the turn around....only 2 more miles to go. Oops, I forgot my dollar again for the water..next time for sure.

I am on fire now...literally and exercise wise. I fly pass the lovers again...they aren't walking, they are looking at a bird or water or something nature like.....they are really grossing me out. I pass the old people. I even fly by a roller blader. The back of my shirt is soaking wet....I am burning up. Damn, the sun is out now. I turn up the music on my MP3 player....I will drown out crap with some Prince....Purple Rain is great for that.

I pass the bridge....thank you Lord I am almost back to the car...actually 0.5 miles away from the car.

Well, I made it 0.25 miles and now I can cool down....whew! That was hard, this walk is never hard. I wonder if the added humidity has something to do with it. The thermometer in the truck says it is 78 degrees outside...now , I really don't believe that at all. I made it....I stretch and get into the truck and drive to Kroger. Yes, I took my sweating, smelly self grocery shopping....we need food. Hopefully, I won't run into anyone I know....because they will get a noseful for sure.

We have done nothing this weekend but lounge. I went shoe shopping in Nashville and then the couch and I have been one all weekend long. New books, great movies and sports...I napped during most of the sporting events. Tennis and golfing ...yuck!!! Oops, I am playing golf with my uncle next week....maybe it will rain, one can only hope. Why don't my cousins learn how to play golf....idiots!

Happy days and blessings to all!


Thursday, July 05, 2007

New Fabrics

Well, my work week at the dark place is over...thank you LORD! Talking about hardwork, I can't tell you how bad the past few days have been.

But enough about that...time to get to something I love.

I went to the gym this afternoon and worked out. Had to get rid of all the negative trash that was in me from the work week. I really shouldn't work extra, it truly affects who I am and how I react to people. I can't tell you how many people I have had to apologize to in past 24 hours.

My plans are to rest, shop and rest some more.

Life is great....get out and enjoy it before you can't.


Friday, June 29, 2007

Good Morning

Good Morning All!

Well, had to say goodbye to a really good friend last night. She and her family are moving back to Texas. I will miss her greatly! Ate at her favorite restaurant ...Rosie's. I was good...I had a Salad and just a couple of chips. I guess I will see in another week if this diary entry diet is going to work. The nutritionist insist that it will.

On a good personal front...I wore my white pants and they were really loose in the hips...that is good. But the thighs continue to hold on...why, why!!!???

WEll off to the gym this AM.

Tonight I will meet with the girls for out Night out.

Have a happy safe holiday weekend. I will be at the dark place.

Happy 4th of July!!!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Lake Tahoe

Got a call today from my uncle...there is a fire in Lake Tahoe...very near our beloved home. So sad the number of homes already lost. I am praying for all affected by this fire so so sad. Trying to think of others . There are people who live there full time...this is their home, their only home. I can't imagine lossing everything, your collectibles, your underwear...everything!

Today I went to get new shoes for the Escort...always a big ordeal! Well, I now have to wait until tomorrow for the tire place to get the tires...don't they know I have to go to the dark place tomorrow????I also need a haircut. I have a nutritionist appointment tomorrow too...too much to do in one day before I have to work...yuck!

I also have lots of laundry to do plus I have to get my fat butt to the gym......so I guess no sleep for me tomorrow. Oh well, I will make it....I hope.

Have a wonderful day all!!!

Friday, June 08, 2007

Good Days....New Inspiration

New quilt....great isn't it!

It is amazing the amount of time I spend doing nothing....or wasting time that I could be cleaning or organizing something.

My new hobby....gaming is beginning to take a lot of my time. First I was just playing the games, then I became a tester....the testing part is hard because you have to try to make the game crash....some are easier to crash then others. I am really shocked with some of the games I get to evaluate...what were these people thinking of. I try to give a complete and fair evaluation to all...some of those games are just bad and you really can't expect people to pay money for something you created in a day.

Now back to the sewing room clean up...not doing anything today...reading, relaxing and just plain doing nothing... did however get my fat butt to the gym. Not sure what the plan is for the night...probably more of the same. Have some DVDs that I want to watch....hope there isn't a game on....tired of sports.

Went out to dinner with friends last night.....great food, good conversation...an excellent time! Very grateful for my friends. Got bad news last night too....friend is getting divorced! Aww...just don't know what to say. I know she feels she can do better and that she is tired of living her life a certain way...but things aren't always great by yourself.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The Cold Shoulder??

My Time at the "dark place" this week is over. Not a bad place to work but sometimes it is so difficult to understand the people who work there. People say it is because there are a bunch of women working there together...I don't agree.

Cold Shoulder...well, that is when people you at one time called friends or thought of as your friend suddenly stop talking to you. Avoid eye contact with you....basically treat you like you have a communicable disease. That is what is happening to me at the "dark place". Should I worry....some say no because these people were not really your friends to start with but I will be honest with you it does hurt. It isn't a hurt that has lasted longer than a minute but it did hurt for a period of time.

I treat everyone the same....I am fair to all. I don't favor anyone and don't expect anyone to favor me. But to my friends I am true to the bitter end . Is it wrong to expect that in return?? I say no....I have two wonderful friends that I have had in my life for 20 years and 42 years respectively.....they have seen the good and bad. Been there through good me and bad me. Supported me through my psychotic breaks and breakdowns. True friends who see no color , no wrong...supporters through thick , thin and bad men, and boy have there been some bad men, Now that is friendship!

Do I feel bad about the "cold shoulder" ....sure, but will I survive? DAMN STRAIGHT! So Cold shoulder people....bring it on!!! And...get a LIFE.

Now, back to the purpose of this blog....organization. What a wonderful idea...hehe! WEll, I will have to get a move on....people coming to visit and my guest room is a total disaster AGAIN!!

Well, another thing happening....big birthday planning for the man...he has no idea what is happening and why should he since his birthday was two months ago! It is going to be so much fun.....! Friends and family flying in for the occassion....fun, fun and more fun!

Until next time...may your worries be light and your blessings be many!


Monday, May 28, 2007


I was thinking of waiting until next month to post again but I decided today was a great day so here I am!!!

Memorial Day 2007 marks my new year of Blogging.

Today I spent the day with my friends Lynne and Carolyn. The men folk went deep sea fishing...yippee. Taught them both how to make a crystal bracelet and we had a great dinner.

Tonight I plan to sleep...and sleep deeply.

So how is the sewing room redo going...well, I am still at it. I have started once again. I have a new large cutting table with cabinets underneath. I also have a large cabinet for fabric storage. There are three other cabinets that need to be installed but I haven't cleaned the room out enough to bring them in.

The good thing about moving things around is that I am purging the room at the same time. When I started sewing I purchased everything I thought I might ever need. Now I know myself a lot better and really don't need every new gadget that immerges.

My new hobby is beading...doesn't take up much room so that is a good thing!! But costs about the same.

Have a great day!!